Thursday, April 17, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt!

  • Boohoo! Some meanie has stolen all my beautiful Easter eggs! 

    I’m too scared to go looking for them myself! Will you help me? 
    I will reward you with 3 Ginormous Gift Eggs!

    The eggs are hidden all around Stardoll, so get hunting!
  • Fill up all the baskets to get 3 Ginormous Gift Eggs! 
    All the eggs contain SECRET SURPRISES. 

    3 of my stolen eggs are released each day between 17th-23rd April.
  • There are more stolen eggs scattered around Stardoll today! 

    Please help me find them!
Hey stardoll players! Today an Easter Egghunt has started on Stardoll! To far today, i've found two eggs! Basicly, i found both the eggs on the left side of the screen by the friend feed tab!

How many eggs have you found!? 



  1. Are they hidden on random pages of Stardoll? Do you know if the location is different for every member? Thanks! :D

    - Hannah (ReneeGoldenStar)

    1. It's for every member...I used my Royalty account and a noob account. -.-

  2. I found 4... :)))
    Stardoll: Orsii23

  3. wait i thought you could only find 1 per day
